Laketown Animal Hospital offers the most advanced surgical technology and techniques available to us. To ensure the safest, most efficient surgical procedures, our surgical services consist of: a board certified surgeon available for consultation; fully trained veterinary and technical staff; state-of-the-art procedures for your pet; heated surgery tables for greater comfort and temperature control; advanced sterilization techniques; advanced patient monitoring including electrocardiogram (ECG), oxygen saturation, ETCO2, blood pressure, and temperature; pre-surgical blood testing; and intensive after-surgery care, pain control, and monitoring.
We offer a variety of surgical procedures including: spay, neuter, declaw, and mass removals. Specialty procedures such as orthopedic surgery (cruciate repair, FHO, fracture repair), splenectomy, enucleation, perineal urethrostomy, hernia repair, biopsy, exploratory / foreign body removal, and many more are available upon consultation.